1. I can memorize things pretty fast. Whether its a random fact, phone number, birthday, the twelve disciples, sixty-six books of the Bible, the 10 Commandments, it doesn't really seem to matter I will memorize it. I think I blame some of this on Ange because when I was in grade school she was my mid-week leader and had a list of things to memorize. When you memorized something she would give you a little reward thing and a candy bar.
2. I love music. The only kind of music I just can't seem to stand is rap. I love getting a new song for my iPod from a friend. The best ones are the songs that have helped them through a hard time and they pass it on to help someone else.
3. My room is organized chaos. I know where everything is despite the fact that it looks like a tornado came through. But the funny thing is, at work everything has to be in it's designated place if its not I sort of freak out. I guess that it's because its bottles and pacifiers things that if it went to the wrong kid that would be a bad thing.
4. I can recite from beginning to end The Wizard of Oz.
5. I have every single note that was ever written to me in High School. Even if it was bad and the person was telling me off. And from time to time I like to pull the shoe box out of my closet and read them. I can usually remember the incident that the note is talking about. I blame this on random fact number one where I remember random stuff.
6. I can relate almost anything to The Wizard of Oz. That is probably obvious, but I really don't care too much. I love how tonight at the 'Think Tank' I could relate the Follow lesson to the part of the movie where Dorothy is leaving Munchkinland.
7. Most of my friends are either way older than me or younger than I am. I think that this is mainly because my priorities are not the same as people that are my age. Those don't need to be said on this blog, if you are interested in what those reasons are then please ask me when you see me.
Now, I have to tag, and I tag
Kelly , Kaitlyn, my Mom, Alissa, the Edge, Ayla, Amber