I never thought that this year or any year for that matter would bring as many joys, tears, and firsts.
The joys of this year were the engagements of friends, reconnecting with old ones. Emma getting healthier that ever. A great family opportunities for my cousin. My family's vacation to Hawai'i to watch Ryan play in his first varsity football game for Mission Viejo High, and getting my first brand new car.
The greatest sadness but also one of the greatest joys was saying good-bye to Kelly and Nathan. I know that them being in Mississippi is the best thing for them, and I know that God is going to bless them far beyond any of us can possibly imagine, but to not have them here anymore when it has been something that I am used to is sad. I am going to miss Judah and his little 'tude and I am going to miss Eliran and his fire hair. Thankfully I was able to spend a fantastic week with them before they left full of hugs, kisses, memories, and ultimately tears.
My Journey kids continue to astound me with their knowledge and desire to learn more. I love these kids as if they were my own and they encourage me to be only the best person I can possibly be. We just started our third book this year where they will be able to discover their S.H.A.P.E and helping them find theirs will be so much fun and rewarding.
I know that people always talk about how much they have change over the past year, and I am no different. I have changed a lot and I am so proud of the person that I have become.
I made two big changes to my life this year. Well, at least I consider them to be big changes. The first change was moving from the Extreme to the Edge at Church. While I loved the Extreme, I just felt like God was tugging at my heart to move upstairs to be with the 5th and 6th graders of my Church. The decision to move was the best thing I think I have done this past year. I have grown up there and I have been challenged. But the greatest joy was being able to greet my old 4th graders from the Extreme as they entered the scary world of the Edge. To see their smiling faces, receive hugs, and words of compassion are just too great for words.
The other big change was a change in job. I finally quit my job at the YMCA after months of mistreatment and just plain meanness. This new job that I have, I couldn't be happier. I love my co-workers, my bosses, the kids, the environment everything about it is just amazing. I wouldn't change a thing about it. I am forever indebted to Alyssa for helping me get this job.
Before I go I just wanted to post a few of my favorite pictures from the year.
Shawn's High School Graduation from El Camino

The Joy of Summer Spectacular
After Ryan's Football game in Hawai'i
My New CAR!

Samantha and the GIANT penguin
Me and the B-E-A-tiful ladies of the Edge
Celebrating New Year's
So long 2008!
Merci pour les souvenirs