Thursday, April 30, 2009
25 Things to Do Before I am 25
Sunday, April 26, 2009
sugar, you are my candy girl
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Everything, how could it be any better than this
If you were to tell me a week ago that my life would be like it is today I would laugh in your face and think you’re crazy. You see last week was crazy, but crazy in a beautiful way although last Tuesday didn’t start out so beautiful.
Last Tuesday started like any normal Tuesday did. I had a conversation with Cody, and for those of you readers who don’t know I met him on eHarmony. I will admit to you right now that I did not join eHarmony under the right circumstances and meeting Cody I thought was a great thing. I thought that he was what I wanted. But that Tuesday morning changed my opinion of him. In about three seconds I lost all respect I had for him, and it was because he insulted my father. Called him a hypocrite, but then followed it up with his own hypocritical statement. Talk about lame.
Then later that same morning, my goal of making it until Easter without talking to Tim came to a crashing tear filled end. I got a text message from someone, and it was all numbers. Not knowing who it was I simply responded back with a ‘who is this?’ text message. That was quickly replied with a text saying something to the effect of someone not important. At that point I knew it was Tim based on a previous conversation he and I had about deleting phone numbers. As soon as I got that text I texted Amanda in tears, telling her what happened. She then told me that she had something to tell me that she knew would cheer me up, but I had to promise not to tell anyone.
That news was about David.
Yea, now I should probably back track to August of last year when Amanda wanted me to meet him for the first time.
For awhile I had been telling Amanda that I am frustrated with guys. There didn’t seem to be any around that were my age and going to church. The ones that were going to church and my age were already in relationships or whatnot. She told me that she knew this one guy that she thought I might be interested and then said that since he worked audio, that he already had a plus in my book. If you know me and the guys of my past you would find that statement funny too. So last August she told me to join her at Veritas which was the church she was attending at the time. And wouldn’t you know it, David wasn’t there. That is just my luck right? Big boo. So I just put it in the back of my mind. Yea the idea of meeting this guy that my friend says I would like is nice, but I can’t put all my eggs in one basket. The sometime that same year towards the holidays Amanda and I were at the mall after work and she suggested that we go to the Apple store. Um, if you know me and the job I do, I never look cute or ‘boy ready’, so I went with her to Old Navy and bought something simple and cute. We went up to the store, and I quickly learned that I had wasted my money. Double boo. Again, I just put the idea in the back of my mind. At this point I was really thinking that meeting him was NEVER going to happen.
Then a glorious thing happened. Amanda got engaged to Russ. This means bridal party. A bridal party is made up of your closest friends. I am one of those to Amanda and lucky for me David is one of those to Russ. Perhaps this isn’t so crazy after all.
Being the geniuses that they are, Amanda and Russ had a party for the Bridal Party. This was just to make sure that we all knew who each other were and to get acquainted with person we would be walking down the aisle with.
I always seem to get to those things before everyone else. I can be a little late and still be the first person there. Which in this case totally worked in my favor, I arrived at the party and there was only one person there that I didn’t recognize. Enter David. It was pretty nuts for me because all these thoughts that I had of actually meeting him had become a reality and I didn’t know how to react exactly. I think it’s safe to say that there was flirting going on between the two of us, but he was also flirting with another bride’s maid. (shame shame) I will admit though that me saying I was waiting for this guy to call probably didn’t help, but neither did him pulling out his phone talking about texts he was getting from a girl he hasn’t talked to in forever. I guess we were both playing the stupid, ‘look how desirable I am card.’ Then there was the frosting war where the flirting with the other girl amplified and I got SUPER irritated. As I was leaving the party, I tried to oh so slyly have David walk me to my car since it was far away and it was dark. I wasn’t scared I just tried to play like I was. Of course being the silly boy he is he didn’t catch on and I walked to my car very sad.
Nothing really changed for three weeks, and then I had that bad day last Tuesday that I talked about at the start of this blog. The news that Amanda had for me was that David was in fact flirting with me at the party. A fact that I knew, but I didn’t know the extent I guess you could say of it.
So all day on Tuesday we were trying to figure out ways to get David and I to meet again and to meet soon. I knew that I liked him, I don’t just flirt with anyone and I was really surprised that he felt the same way. It has been so long since someone has genuinely like me. I could almost go as far to say that David is the first. So the final plan of attack to get David and I to meet was this, my iPod. I told Amanda that I was having a problem with it, and I really was, since he works for Apple, it seemed all to perfect. Well hook, line, and sinker he bought right into it. And called WAY sooner than I expected him to which was very nice. So we made plans that same night for him to come over and fix it. But first he was going to dinner with Amanda so that they could get to know each other since she is marrying one of his close friends. Well instead of him coming over to my house later that night, I ended up going over there and that is where my life literally did a 180.
He told me all sorts of sweet things. Things that honestly I can’t remember verbatim all I can say is that I felt like I was in a movie. It just didn’t seem real at all. I literally felt like the entire world around me was gone and he and I were the only ones that existed. I swear the moment he put his arm around me I melted and I was finally able to hold his hand like I had been wanting to the entire evening. But being the lady that I am I waited for him to make that first move. It was too awesome for words.
We made plans that night to see each other again on Friday since we both had the day off.
So Friday came, but not soon enough for my liking. The day started early with me picking him up from the car dealership so it could be worked on. We had breakfast at the Corner Bakery, picked up my paycheck, went to the Spectrum and saw a movie with my mother and brother. Yup that’s right they crashed, and that is a whole other blog in itself. After the movie we picked up his car and dropped it off at my house, which was a mistake you’ll learn why later. Then it was off to Color Me Mine where he helped me paint a lovely mug. I know its super girly, but he took it like a man, so sweet. After that we had some time to kill so we went to a park near my house to just talk and have some ‘us’ time that we really weren’t able to get so far that day.
The park was another one of those conversations that I can’t fully remember, but it was full of everything that I wanted to hear, and needed to hear. So while we were there talking it was there that he asked me if I wanted to be in a relationship with him. I think I replied with the answer absolutely, which I will be honest I had been rehearsing since Tuesday. We really didn’t want to leave the park, it was nice and quiet, romantic even. We pretended not to hear our phones when they went off, but we soon realized that we should make good on the plans that we had already made for that day. We then went to Russ’ house and had dinner and watched ‘The Big Bang Theory’. The night ended with me at home and him driving off with a tin can tied to the back of his car. I was so embarrassed.
So yea, I think that about sums it all up. And since Friday we have spent every day together. Well, except today. Which was sad, but what can you do.
So yea, in one week I went from single and confused to taken and blissful.
Quite the turnaround if you ask me, but oh so worth it.
Ok this blog is long enough and I am sure that no one read it all. If you did thanks and ily.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The street looks when it's just rained
There’s a glow off the pavement
Walk me to the car
And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there
In the middle of the parking lot
We're drivin' down the road
I wonder if you know
I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now
But you're just so cool
Run your hands through your hair
Absent mindedly makin' me want you
And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress
So baby drive slow
‘Til we run out of road in this one horse town
I wanna stay right here in this passenger’s seat
You put your eyes on me
In this moment now capture every memory
And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I’d dance
In a storm in my best dress
Well you stood there with me in the doorway
my hands shake
I'm not usually this way but
You pull me in & I’m a little more brave
It’s the first kiss, it's flawless, really somethin’, it’s fearless.
And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I’d dance
In a storm in my best dress
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Uber Crazy
To let you know your more to me than what I know how to say
You're OK with the way this is going to be
This is going to be the best thing we've ever seen
If anyone can make me a better person you could
All I gotta say is I must've done something good
I came along one day and you rearranged my life
All I gotta say is I must've done something right
I must've done something right