Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday's Memory

I bet you didn't know, but in the 6th grade I started playing the clarinet.  I ended my clarinet playing career at the end of 7th grade.

I didn't have the knack for playing instruments really, I liked singing better although I haven't done that in ages either.  But, that is besides the point.  When I was in 7th grade playing in band I met two girls that I still know to this day.  One was my Maid of Honor, Carrie, and the other is just recently engaged, her name is Mychal.  I loved playing in band with them, they made it fun.  Especially when it came to another friend of ours and her obsession with the trumpet player in the back.  (No, it wasn't David, I hadn't even met him yet, although the similarities are funny.)  Her name doesn't really matter to this story but I remember one day we saw the binder the school gave us with I <3 Dennis all over the back page.  She quickly put white out on it so he would never find out, but sadly as we told her white out only works on one side of the paper.

Anyways, the girl that is recently engaged, she is entered in a contest to win a dream wedding.  Now, normally I don't ask much but I am asking that you take the time and vote for her.  I have provided the link to their page in the contest.  It's a quick registration and you don't even need to sign up for the station to send you stuff.  You can vote once a day for the duration of the contest.  I think that she deserves this for so many reasons, but the main reason you can read on her page.

Happy voting!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's Funny How Much Changes In a Year

So, I know that in my last post I said that there were a lot of changes, but all of those changes pale in comparison to the changes of this past year.

Let's start with the earliest thing that happened that year:

I got engaged, and this is my BEAUTIFUL ring.

I moved out of my parents house into an apartment.

I married this man.

And adopted this handsome guy.

All in all, I think that you can say that 2010 was the most eventful year of my life thus far.  I know that it's been a long long time since I actually blogged, but I am wanting to change that.  Hopefully this will serve as a way to store my memories.

Oh, and I am back at KinderCare.
Full circle eh?