It seems like it has been an eternity since
<--- this.
And yet in someways it seems like just yesterday.
The day we almost were able to bring you home, the pang in my heart when the nurse said she forgot to check your bilirubin levels and when she did we couldn't take you home.
Were were -> <- that close.
But God and his timing is perfect.
And to think about how much has changed since then.
That's the only words to describe it.
The greatest of news was we bought a home for you. (yes for all of us but mainly because OF you)
We even went on our first family vacation all the way to South Carolina.
You did better than I thought you would on the plane.
Thankfully for me (and those around us), you slept 90% of the time, both ways.
You got to meet some pretty amazing people and take a picture few get to.
check it out! 5 generations.
I think that your Great Grandpa really enjoyed seeing you.
And now it's time to start planning your FIRST birthday!
Um, excuse me.
You're not allowed to grow up.
at least not so fast.