Since our class always seems to turn into a religious or political discussion, I thought that I would write mine on two religions. Funny thing is, the girl next to me wanted to write hers on two religions also.
As you can most likely guess I chose Christianity and Mormonism, or LDS.
Fast forward to today. My teacher walks into class and the very first thing out of his mouth is that he got a couple essays about religion. I freaked out because he sounded so angry. He then went on to ask the class if we should write about those things, religion and politics. Almost everyone was quick to answer no because it would be considered offensive. My teacher then went on to a tangent about Mit Romney, which was ya pointless.
Anyways, he said that the classroom really wasnt a place for it. Funny because that is what always happens in the class. Then he said he ws going to read one of the religious essays that he got. It just so happened to be Allison's (the girl who sits next to me) essay. She swore that he would read mine because it was about Mormonism and Christianity. I swore he would read hers. Well I was right and he read hers to the class. Normally we keep to ourselves if we wrote the essay, but not this time. When people started to say mean things about her essay she fessed up that she wrote it and wasnt ashamed. Which I totally dig.
After he finished reading the essay he told the class that we should write about things such as religion and what we dont know about that way we wont be affraid of it. Then he said he was in fact LDS, which we all already knew, but now it was just confirmed for us. Then he spent the rest of class explaining his faith to us. Everything about it.
I was a little annoyed because I wasnt learning how to write, I almost felt like he wanted to convert us or something.
I have to give him his props though because he his steadfast in his faith and was willing to answer any and all questions that we threw his way. And everyone in the class got way involved with it too. Even the kid that sits in the back cornor and never talks was asking questions.
After class was over I went to collect my paper and my teacher said that he actually wanted to read my paper but he wasnt able to find it in the stack of papers that he had.
And to top it all off on the way to my car I was stopped by one of the Mormons that hang out in the quad area in the village. For the first time though I felt strong enough to shoot questions back to them. And all the girl would really say when I would ask questions is, 'I know this to be true, I know that Jesus loves me and everyone. Died for my sins.' In my head I was saying, 'sweetie I believe that the Bible is true too, and that Jesus loves me and the world and died for my sins. But the Bible is the only true word of God'.
The other thing that really annoyed me was she would say, 'if you have any questions go to the source. There are so many misconceptions about us.'
I just found it funny because my teacher not thirty minutes before was those exact words.
All in all though it prooved to be a very good day full of growth, and learning that my writing class will never change.
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