Saturday, April 26, 2008

I've Come To Realize That- You Will Always Lose In Water Fights With Boys Under The Age Of 5

So today was a pretty amazing day. I got to sleep in a little bit! Woo hoo! Anyways, some of my favorite boys came over today. The pictures of them can be seen on either side of this entry.
Anyways, when Judah got to the house you better believe he noticed the new water fixture that was outside the house. That lead to the start of the long afternoon of water fighting. He's pretty good with the hose. I showed him how to make it 'rain' when the sun is shining and he thought that it was the coolest thing ever. He chased me around the yard getting me soaked from head to toe.
Then, I got to see my other boys. My other brothers. And yeah, another water fight got started. I didn't think that I was going to get wet, but Jacob made sure that I did. He was such a sneak about it too, but that is what made it that much better.
So, that leads me to where I am right now.
I'm waiting for Aaron and Jen to get home from the birthday celebration of their friend. I don't really know when that will be, I'm going to guess a little on the late side. Mainly because they were in a carpool with the birthday boy.

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