To start I went to Church with the FamBam. Took some pictures of the new Refinery. I figured everyone else posted a few pictures of it already so I thought that I would post just one of mine. I took it out by the OverDrive tent tryig to get the whole building in the picture.
Then we found Pastor Steve and took a picture with him and Matthew since he missed his chance at KSG Graduation.
OH! Ryan and I ran into Brandon and Alyssa. Ryan made a comment about Brandon's shoe size which lead to this next totally amazing picture oppertunity.
Ya they switched shoes. Brandon's foot is swimming in Ryan's and Ryan cant even get his foot in without the chance of breaking Brandon's shoe. I CAN'T WAIT for SS! Music with Brandon is going to be fan-frickin-tastic!
Ok, after all the church picture taking fun it was time for the PARTY!
Mr. Judah turned 3. I thought that he was turning 4, but no it was 3.
Now, here are a few of my favorite moments of the day!
This is the AMAZING Fallon. I love her and I am so happy that she will continue to celebrate holidays with us even when Kelly and Nathan move to Mississippi. (Another story for another blog.)
Did I mention that Fallon will be going to school in AUSTRALIA? Ya with HillSong! WAY COOL!
I think that this picture of Emma and Eliran is my FAVORITE!
Emma is going to be 3 next month! Her story is AMAZING! I encourage all of my readers to visit her blog. It's on my list of blogs that I read under Emma Grace.
Here is Emma and her Mommy!
Emma and Mommy
Then it was time for cake.
The the most important part of any party is the PRESENTS!
I think that Eliran is an AWESOME 'present'!
I know this is getting long. I just have one more picture!
This is me and Emma, I have another picture with the two of us last year. And WOW! She has grown so much in just one year. As soon as I locate that picture I will post it! But for now, you can enjoy this one!
Well, like I said, it was a LONG day and this has been a long blog. So I shall leave you all now!
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