Thursday, July 17, 2008

2xs the Offers

So today was an amazing day.
It started with helping out in the offices with Amy and Gretchin. The real highlight was listening to Phil call this costume place. Cassandra's Coffins and Costumes. Phil and Gretchin show me a video of the owner on the internet, and she is a strange old lady. Lets just leave it at that because it is the most polite thing to say.

After I was done there I ran over to Bathgate to get Samantha before going to my interview at WeeCan preschool in Capo Beach.

The interview went really well. The owners and the other lady who was sitting in on the interview seemed excited that I was applying. They were affirming, saying that I had a lot to offer. All the things you want to hear at the end of an interview. They also asked if I was actively seeking employment, and I didnt lie I told them I was but I was waiting to hear back from the places that I had. They thanked me for comming in and said that they would call me by Monday with their final decision.

As I am walking out to my car I see that I had a missed call. So I dialed the voicemail and guess what...

It was the Mervyn's calling me back.

I went in on Monday for a first-group type interview. The AMO there said that she would be calling everyone within the week that they were looking to hire. the voice mail from her said that, 'we are looking to hire you, and there is an orientation tomorrow at 5:30 if you can make it'.


At the start of this week I had nothing. Now here it is at the end of the week and I have not one but TWO offers.

Now comes the hard part. Or maybe it isnt so hard.

I need to pick one.

So in Rory fashion, I made a pro-con list in my head. And I will write them for your enjoyment.

WeeCan Pros
*I already know that I can do what the job requires.
*The pay will be nice.
*The staff is small and family like.
*The owners are super nice and easy to talk to.

WeeCan Cons
*It's a little farther that I would like. So the gas to get there would be high.
*It's another Child Care job.
*Going to school could be a problem.
*Benefits could be an issue.

Mervyn's Pros
*It's SUPER close to home, so I could walk, saving money on gas.
*I will gain new expierence for my resume.
*School is more of a possibility.
*I would get discounts there.
*Benefits are a possibility.

Mervyn's Cons
*Not a lot of hours.
*My hours could vary from week to week. (I have always had a mon-fri job)
*The pay would be lower

Now the way that I see it, money wise it would be a wash. The extra money that I would make at WeeCan would cover the gas that I would otherwise be saving by walking to work.

I am leaning more towards Mervyn's though.

But again, I am so confused.

Any advice?

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