Well, I really didnt steal a blog idea, just a picture really. Thanks Ange!
Anyways, I got a wonderful email from my Pastor last night. Finally some information about the Civil Forum with the Presidential canidates was announced.
I was very excited to see that there would be some free tickets available in the video venues for a select group of people, along with other information about the drawings for other seats. It said this about the drawings:
- DRAWING A: For FREE seats in Video Venues (Refinery, Tent 2, and Tent 3)
- DRAWING B: Charter members who joined between 1980-84, Small Group Hosts, and Volunteers who serve in childrens or student ministries may apply for the drawing of FREE seats in the worship center.
- DRAWING C: To buy a $500 Bleacher seat in the Worship Center.
- DRAWING D: To buy a $1,000 Angled Floor seat in the Worship Center.
- DRAWING E: To buy a $2,000 Front Center seat in the Worship Center.
The two that are in italics are the two drawings that I have entered myself into. I know that the possibility of me getting a ticked is still very small considering that there are MANY people that fall into those two groups. But its better than putting my name in a drawing with 23,000 people.

- Jumping for joy that Summer Spectacular is so, well Spectacular.
- Jump, jump, jumping into the light, light, light.
- Jumping for fun costumes.
- Jumping for joy that Summer Spectacular is over, no matter how spectacular it is.
Hawaii is soon. I am so excited for it now.
How funny is it that my friend and I will be on vacation at the same time? Well, not only on vacation at the same time, but in the same state. Not just in the same state though, on the same island. Even better than the same island, the same resort.
Ya, the world is small.
1 comment:
I also applied for a Press Credential for my blog...
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