Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hello Baby BOY!

This is going to be a little strange, and yet also very exciting.  No longer do I need to call you my dear fruit, because now, you have a name.  So here it goes.

Dear Daniel,
Yes that's right, you're a BOY!  Your daddy was so excited when the ultrasound tech told us you were a boy.  He did his happy dance.  I promise its just as silly as it sounds, and you will grow to love it just like I do.

This week you are the size of a mango. See, this is a mango.  I've only really had mango when its in a smoothie.  It amazes me how big it is, well how big YOU are.  I still can't believe that I am going to have you in my arms in just five short months.  It makes me excited and nervous all at the same time.

This week I have been able to feel you moving more and more.  Most people say that when the baby moves it feels like a butterfly flapping their wings, but to me it feels like someone has a massager and placing it on the inside of my stomach facing out.  More like buzzing I guess.  It's definitely not something that I have ever felt before and I just LOVE that.  In addition to the buzzing I have felt three 'pops' this week.  TiTi says that its you kicking and that makes me even MORE excited.  Your daddy keeps placing his hand on my stomach talking to you asking you to kick for him.  It's sweet and its hard for me because I have to keep telling him that I don't even get to feel you all the time, so it would be hard for him to.  But soon enough I'm sure you'll be making us gasp when we SEE you moving down there.

Daddy and I went to our monthly appointment and at this one we got to see you and even got some pictures.
I love the way I can see your toes.  And I think you are going to have your daddy's face.

It almost looks like you are waving to us.

 And you may have your daddy's face, but you've got my attitude it seems.
So, thanks for taking something from me. :)

18 weeks 2 days
Before I leave, I just have one last picture for you.

This is what we look like this week.  Sadly Goliath isn't in here. I think the problem is we were TRYING to get him in the picture.  It's when we don't try that he gets in there.

Stubborn just like your mommy.

Love you Daniel.



Anonymous said...

Congrats on your up and coming little man!!!! SO exciting!!!! So many people are having boys right now, usually its the opposite! Congrats again, and hope you start feeling better now!!!

Unknown said...

thanks! for us its actually the opposite, EVERYONE has been having boys. We're grateful either way.