A blog about that day can be found here!
We went to shop in Lahaina. We spent way too much time looking for a camera shop for my dad. He was given a sweet 4G card for his camera that takes photos twice as fast as a normal 4G card. Anyways, my dad's camera is too old to read a card that moves that fast. That was pretty much all that we did. Besides the normal laying around the pool/beach.
The Road to Hana.
Now I dont know if we went at the wrong time of year, or if its something that you need a tour guide for. We seemed to have missed a lot. We did drive and see a few waterfalls, blowhole and black sand beach. Nothing else too exciting. If you have driven the 600+ switch backs, and 50+ one way bridges tell me what you thought. I really want to know. I did get to the point where I was too hot so I dove into a cave thing with water and of course a waterfall. So since the drive to Hana is so long that was all we did on Thursday.
We didnt really do anything Friday. Just stayed in the hotel and preped for the long night that was coming. I had it all planned to, exactly what I was going to wear. I had to show my Diablo pride with my red and gold colored tanks that I would layer. But, my mom was able to score me a Mission Viejo vs. Baldwin Bears shirt. So I wore that instead. I know that what I wore isnt important, but I just had to say.
As far as games go, this one was, I dont know. It was exciting to be in Maui watching the game, but the game was a 'Mission' game. The score by half time was 41-0 in favor of Mission. The second half of the game EVERYONE got to play. A major plus because how would it have felt to fly 2100 miles to watch Ryan play and not have him actually play?
Our hosts for the evening were very nice and threw a BBQ dinner thing for the boys and families. We stayed just long enough to welcome both teams in with thunderous clapping before we left and grabbed a quic bite somewhere else.
5am came way too early. My Dad, Mom, Ryan and I got up and headed out to a nearby harbor to board a boat to go snorkling in Molokini and Turtle Town. The boat fed us breakfast and a BBQ lunch. We saw tons of fish while we were on our trip. We saw a Frogfish, and the lady that was out in the water with us said that she had never seen one on a snorkling trip before and just when she had scuba dived. So being the ever so nice lady she was she dove down and took pictures for those who wanted them. I was one of them, lame probably but yea, pictures are what help hold our memories. We didnt see too many Sea Turtles while in Turtle Town. We saw more on the way home and took too many pictures there too. I did see way more turtles outside the hotel near Black Rock.
I went to Lids to get a hat after I saw the cool one that my mom got. I will have to post a picture of it, words wouldnt do it justice.
After a long day snorkling and being on a boat I seriously felt like I was on a boat the rest of the day. My body kept rocking forward and backwards like I did on the boat and in the water. While we were at dinner it was a laugh fest. Stupid things like my straw bobbing out of my glass and landing on the floor made us laugh. We all only ate one piece of pizza and bread. It would have been too daring to attepmt a second piece.
While we were there a little girl got hurt. We arent sure what happened, but we things that she pulled her highchair down on herself and cut her mouth. But the thud that we all heard was pretty scary.
Your normal day to go home. We packed and tripled checked that we had everything we came with and everything that we bought for people. Once we were sure that we had it all we decided it was time to leave. The hotel gave us all a Kukui but leis and wished us safe travels. We stopped off at a few shops to get some gifts before boarding the plane. I am so thankful that I had my book because the guy that was sitting a row behind me on the aisle like I was had 6 Scotches. Yea, most of the flight consisted of me rereading sentences that I had already read or missed an important detail that I would have to go back and search for to figure out what I read. He mumbled, and screamed strange things. Once the flight landed the old man, the one with all the Scotch, started asking me all sorts of questions. Where I lived, which I simply told him South Orange County. He then went on to talk about Mission Viejo and Mark Sanchez and his amazing game with USC. It was all I could do to not tell him that I have actually watched Mark play at Mission.
Anyways, we got home a little earlier than we expected and stayed up talking to Susan and Samantha before finally getting to sleep in our own beds that we missed so much.
So, now you should be all up to date with what has been happening.
Pictures to follow!
1 comment:
sounds like fun! glad you got to go snorkeling... can't wait to see the pic of you underwater with all of your cool gear. :) missed you in the edge yesterday!
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