Thursday, April 30, 2009

25 Things to Do Before I am 25

So as of today I have 365 days until I turn 25. Yes that means today is my birthday and I am 24. Go figure. Anyways, I saw this idea on another blog and I thought that I would steal it. It's exactly what the title of my blog says. A to do list of things before I turn 25. I will post them here that way I can refer to it as needed.

1. Take one friend to Club 33.
2. Ride the balloon at the Great Park
3. Visit the San Diego Zoo
4. Go to a Padres game
5. Read 10 books
6. Become part of a small group
7. Learn how to cook something new
8. Learn how to bake something new
9. Learn to play the piano
10. Speak French better
11. Go on a vacation without my parents
12. Be debt free
13. Meet with an Academic advisor
14. Decide on a major
15. See a Broadway show in LA
16. Walk the Walk of Fame
17. Go to Grumans Chinese Theatre and find Judy Garlands hand and footprints
18. Paint my bedroom wall
19. Use my Bruke Williams gift certificate
20. Attend a concert for my favorite band or artist
21. Create a painting
22. Learn to play my guitar
23. Read the New Testament
24. Visit my family on the East Coast
25. Ride on a train

Anyone that is up for helping me with these let me know. #1 is covered though.

If they are in italics it means they are completed.
Bold means they are well on their way.


Jen said...

I will so do the Broadway show with you, if I have the money! Although I'm aiming more for New York rather than L.A. I want to see the original "Little Mermaid" before it goes on tour. You know.. you could kill two birds with that one... See a real broadway show AND visit your family on the East Coast. hehe.

Anyway, those are very good goals. I like all of them. =)

David Harrell said...

I know I'm going to be doing a lot of these if not most, so I'm sure will get through these. :)

Samie said...

Walk of Fame is something I have wanted to do since I was little.

elphie said...

i will walk the walk of fame with you!! :)