Monday, August 15, 2011

Cool As a Cucumber in the Hot Hot Summer

My Dear Sweet Daniel,
So much has happened since I last wrote on here.  First and foremost here is the newest picture of us.  And I should also let you know that you are the size of a cucumber.  I'm not really sure how a cucumber is larger than an eggplant, but we'll just go with it.  You are weigh about two pounds and are 15 inches long.  Finally we are measuring you full size instead of your head to your butt.  Which means you will probably get just a little bit longer and start to gain some serious weight.  Well, at least another 4 pounds.

Currently I'm doing alright.  I will admit that I have been crying a lot more and at what seems to be the drop of a hat.  I blame all the change that has gone on.  Daddy and I moved out of the first place we lived together, a place that was our own, and the place where, well we won't go there.  It was really hard taking down the 'H' monograms that we got for our wedding and had hanging in the house.  My favorite part of the apartment, the mantel thankfully I didn't have to take down.  TiTi and her friend Susan did that for me because I knew that it would make me cry.  Heck I cried when I took down some towels from the bathroom that had an 'H' on them.  I think that the thought that you are going to be here so soon is getting to me too.  I know that as each day passes that it becomes more and more real, and with that comes more and more joy.  And with that joy comes more and more tears.  I've never really been a crier either, so this is taking some getting used to for me.

The other night I was laying with Daddy in bed and Goliath was laying there between us and I started to cry.  I know why I was crying that time, I realized how much I was loving that moment and how soon it would be you there and not Goliath.  If I can love Goliath that much, I can't imagine how much I am going to love you once you are here.  I love you already, don't think that I don't, but once you're here, I know that  the love I feel will multiply 100 fold.

I also cried at church yesterday.  You seem to love one particular song there, when ever the band plays it you kick and go crazy.  It makes me happy that you already love being there.  And as bad as this sounds my mind was wondering at church yesterday too.  About the dedication that I want to have for you.  Who I would like there, the food, and most importantly at least to me the songs that I want played.  Songs that I think will inspire Daddy and I go be good parents to you and to encourage those that will be around you to be the best examples they can be of Christ to you.

Sappy perhaps, but I think its the start of the love people talk about that you can only experience when you are a parent.

Thats all for tonight, I can hardly concentrate with you kicking because of the Yogurtland we are both enjoying and the pain I feel in my back.  A pain that I will gladly endure for the next 90something days until you are here.

Love you much!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Eggplant Slacker

Sadly I don't have any pictures for you this week.  They are still on Dad's phone waiting to be emailed to me.  But, you are the size of an eggplant this week.  I knew what one looked like, but I had never seen one in person that I remember until a few weeks ago when the kids at work painted with them.  Don't ask.

I've finally been able to really feel you kick me from the outside.  This really excites Daddy too because he can feel you more now too.  I have to admit that sometimes I get a little mean and do things to make you kick.  My favorite is putting my iPod on my stomach and playing music for you.  It seems that you don't really care for Relient K, but you love classical sounding music.  You went crazy with the Hallelujah Chorus and the title track from the Beauty and the Beast Musical.  You seem to kick me when it has been a while since I/we last ate.  I guess it's something that I should get used to since I hear boys really like to eat.  (shhh don't tell, but your dad has gained all the weight so far, I haven't gained any.  I swear I am trying to though!)

I do have a good reason why I haven't been writing/blogging to you.  Your Dad and I decided after much talk and prayer that we would move.  It's been a crazy time and blogging while on my mind has been in the back of it.  It's just sad for me because this was our first home, and taking down the things that made it personal was hard.  And I know that turning in the keys will be even harder.  I just have to remember that Dad and I are doing this for all of us, and buying a home is the best thing we can do and in order to do that, we have to make a sacrifice.  I will miss just having Daddy and Goliath at home, but I am looking forward to the day when we have our home and you are there too.

Sadly, this is about all that I have to say for tonight, the apartment is messy and my mind is in a million directions.