Monday, August 1, 2011

Eggplant Slacker

Sadly I don't have any pictures for you this week.  They are still on Dad's phone waiting to be emailed to me.  But, you are the size of an eggplant this week.  I knew what one looked like, but I had never seen one in person that I remember until a few weeks ago when the kids at work painted with them.  Don't ask.

I've finally been able to really feel you kick me from the outside.  This really excites Daddy too because he can feel you more now too.  I have to admit that sometimes I get a little mean and do things to make you kick.  My favorite is putting my iPod on my stomach and playing music for you.  It seems that you don't really care for Relient K, but you love classical sounding music.  You went crazy with the Hallelujah Chorus and the title track from the Beauty and the Beast Musical.  You seem to kick me when it has been a while since I/we last ate.  I guess it's something that I should get used to since I hear boys really like to eat.  (shhh don't tell, but your dad has gained all the weight so far, I haven't gained any.  I swear I am trying to though!)

I do have a good reason why I haven't been writing/blogging to you.  Your Dad and I decided after much talk and prayer that we would move.  It's been a crazy time and blogging while on my mind has been in the back of it.  It's just sad for me because this was our first home, and taking down the things that made it personal was hard.  And I know that turning in the keys will be even harder.  I just have to remember that Dad and I are doing this for all of us, and buying a home is the best thing we can do and in order to do that, we have to make a sacrifice.  I will miss just having Daddy and Goliath at home, but I am looking forward to the day when we have our home and you are there too.

Sadly, this is about all that I have to say for tonight, the apartment is messy and my mind is in a million directions.

1 comment:

Amber Elizabeth said...

Natalie, I totally feel you on the moving emotions. Thomas and I are living with my parents for the moment and we were sure we could move into a new place by December. However, his car is now dying and too old to make sense to fix so now our savings is going toward a new (to us) car. Keep your head up and even though it will be a transition living with Mom and Dad, I'm sure your mom will be a world of help with a newborn. The most important thing I've found is to set up boundaries - especially with moms. Just making sure that she understands that this is not her baby and that she doesn't need to step in every time she feels like she should. Hope that makes sense. My preggo brain is melting and I swear it's getting worse every day. :) Hope you're well.