Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mangue or Mango

My Darling Daniel,
19 weeks 4 days
This week sadly I don't have a fruit to compare you to, you are still the size of a mango, or as the French would say 'mangue'.  I think that introducing you to a little française is a good thing.  I took French in school and so did your dad.  I'll admit that I'm not the greatest at speaking or really understanding for that matter anymore.  That's probably because I haven't been using it, so I lost it.  Hopefully one day I can pick it up again and actually remember it.  I will just have to use it, and once you're here I wont be able to blame it on pregnancy brain.

This week was a pretty awesome week.   Last week I was telling you about how Daddy wanted to feel you kick from the outside and how I told him that even I wasn't able to feel you all that much even from the inside.  Well, this Sunday on June 26 that all changed.  I had just finished eating breakfast and had my hand on my tummy on the right side and out of nowhere, my hand MOVED! That's right YOU kicked me.  I knew it was you because where else would that have come from?  I told your Daddy to come quickly and when I was pretty sure you would do it again I had him put his hand on my tummy and HE FELT YOU TOO!  He was so excited that he did his happy dance. :)

I'm getting excited to meet you.  I can't believe that this Friday marks the half way point.  I remember when we first found out how I thought 20 weeks seemed so far away and November even further.  Now, it doesn't seem so bad.  I will be honest I'm not looking forward to the California Summer with the heat, but it's not Florida with heat and humidity so I think that I will survive.  I must pick my battles.  It helps to think of things that are coming up to make the time go faster.  For instance the 4th of July is Monday and that Thursday I have my next doctor's appointment.   After that is a birthday party for Charlie and then Uncle Matt has his birthday.  And somewhere in there we are going to throw a party in your honor.  I can't wait.  There really isn't anything again until August when football season starts for this year, but I love Friday nights at MVHS watching the Diablos play.  I can't wait to hear the cadence letting us know the boys are on their way to the field.  The season doesn't start to me until I hear that.  I guess you can say I do my happy dance then.  I'm anxious to see what you do in my belly with all that noise.  But. I bet you're a trooper and will love it.

That's about it for this week.

Love you tons,

Did you notice we took the picture 2 whole days late?  You can blame dad.  ;)
Oh, and Goliath is back in the picture too.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hello Baby BOY!

This is going to be a little strange, and yet also very exciting.  No longer do I need to call you my dear fruit, because now, you have a name.  So here it goes.

Dear Daniel,
Yes that's right, you're a BOY!  Your daddy was so excited when the ultrasound tech told us you were a boy.  He did his happy dance.  I promise its just as silly as it sounds, and you will grow to love it just like I do.

This week you are the size of a mango. See, this is a mango.  I've only really had mango when its in a smoothie.  It amazes me how big it is, well how big YOU are.  I still can't believe that I am going to have you in my arms in just five short months.  It makes me excited and nervous all at the same time.

This week I have been able to feel you moving more and more.  Most people say that when the baby moves it feels like a butterfly flapping their wings, but to me it feels like someone has a massager and placing it on the inside of my stomach facing out.  More like buzzing I guess.  It's definitely not something that I have ever felt before and I just LOVE that.  In addition to the buzzing I have felt three 'pops' this week.  TiTi says that its you kicking and that makes me even MORE excited.  Your daddy keeps placing his hand on my stomach talking to you asking you to kick for him.  It's sweet and its hard for me because I have to keep telling him that I don't even get to feel you all the time, so it would be hard for him to.  But soon enough I'm sure you'll be making us gasp when we SEE you moving down there.

Daddy and I went to our monthly appointment and at this one we got to see you and even got some pictures.
I love the way I can see your toes.  And I think you are going to have your daddy's face.

It almost looks like you are waving to us.

 And you may have your daddy's face, but you've got my attitude it seems.
So, thanks for taking something from me. :)

18 weeks 2 days
Before I leave, I just have one last picture for you.

This is what we look like this week.  Sadly Goliath isn't in here. I think the problem is we were TRYING to get him in the picture.  It's when we don't try that he gets in there.

Stubborn just like your mommy.

Love you Daniel.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Orange, Avocado, Turnip, and a Sweet Potato

My Dear LO,
Mommy is a slacker.  I haven't blogged in three weeks, so I will do my best to get everything in that happened.

you at 14 weeks
First off, when you were about as big as a naval orange
baked mac-n-cheese
(<----see)  I finally got a little of my appetite back! YAY! But when I say a little, I really mean just a little.  It was enough for me to be able to cook daddy dinner for the first time since, get this, FEBRUARY!  So to celebrate I made one of his favorites.  What is that you may ask, well since I love taking pictures I have a picture of just it for you. (--->)
We had some baked macaroni and cheese and to add a little bit more I put some chicken.  It really hit the spot after not being able to eat for such a long time.  Even now it's a little hard to eat but not as hard as it was in the beginning.  Hopefully this pattern continues that way I can gain back some of the weight that I lost during the second trimester.  (More on that later)  since your daddy wants pictures of us every week I am sure you would like to know what we look like this week so here is your picture for 14 weeks and 2 days.  (We normally take our pictures on Sundays thats why there is always the 2 days in there.  Im sure you were wondering so I just wanted to put your mind at ease.)
week 14.2

Here we are!  Of course your brother had to jump in the picture.  He is such a camera hog.  Ok well not really.  When I try to take a picture of just him, he runs away.  But when its time to take our weekly picture he has to jump in there.

So that was week 14, now its time to get you updated on what happened during week 15.

you at 15 weeks

During week 15 you were the size of an avocado.  I happen to like avocados, but most of the time I just like to eat them when they are in guacamole.  Which by the way your uncle Ryan calls baby poop.  I guess at this point its a little appropriate, then again maybe its not.
week 15.2

Nothing really happened from what I can remember.  I guess that is my fault for not blogging.

So here is our picture from 15 weeks and 2 days!  Again, you're photo hog brother Goliath has made it into the picture.  I know that the belly doesn't look bigger but I swear it has to be the clothes that I wear.  But trust me, its getting bigger.  Not only is my belly getting bigger, but my girls upstairs are starting to hurt really bad.

you at 16 weeks

During week 16 you were about this big, (--->)
the size of a turnip.  Now what exactly is a turnip?  I have no idea. All I know is what Wikipedia tells me and it tells me this:
The turnip or white turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa) is a root vegetable commonly grown in temperate climates worldwide for its white, bulbous taproot. Small, tender varieties are grown for human consumption, while larger varieties are grown as feed forlivestock.

So there you have it.  You are the size of a root vegetable.  My favorite root vegetable to eat is a carrot though.  I don't think you'll ever be compared size wise to one of those because they don't weigh very much and they are very skinny.

Goliath's first haircut
Ok now we are up to last week.  Finally I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  This week was pretty typical up until the weekend.  That weekend your brother got his first big boy haircut.  Here is an after picture for your viewing --->
Daddy said that I got a new dog and that he didn't even look the same.  Yes he looks different, but he acts the same so we know its our fur baby.  Since Summer is fast approaching it only seemed fair to get rid of the long thick coat he had so he would be more comfortable.  The benefit to the new do is I think it shows his adult coat better and will really help it to grow in.

Now, during this week your TiTi thought that it would be fun to go GeoCaching.

My advice to you now is, if she asks you to go on a walk say no because before you know it she will have you walking to the pier which is 3.5 miles away and not the 1 that she had told you before.

By the time we were done with that adventure my feet and back were killing me and all I wanted to do was go home and fall asleep.  Sadly we couldn't do that because Daddy needed to help Uncle Matthew with a project for school.  I have a feeling that we/he will be helping out with that kind of stuff for a long time.
week 16.2

Alright here is our picture from 16 weeks and 2 days!  Again, you're photo hog brother Goliath has made it into the picture.  But I should put a disclaimer on here, the 'leash' we are using is a makeshift one.  I had to find something to keep him close when we went on the GeoCaching adventure.  Normally I would use the retractable one, but I didn't bring it because we were supposed to stay at NayNay and TiTi's house.

Lesson number 2 from TiTi, I should always have the leash.

Ok WEEK 17!!

Hooray we are all caught up.  I am so happy.  Never again will I wait so long to blog again.
you at 17 weeks

During week 17 you are about the size of a sweet potato
(<---) see!  AWW! Isn't that just the cutest thing?  Well, maybe it only sounds cute because it says sweet.  But what does it matter anyways.

This week was a pretty fun week for the most part.  Your Uncle Ryan had his birthday and he turned 19!  It's hard to believe that I have been a sister for that long. I remember the day that he was born, I wore a shirt that said: "I'm Ryan's Big Sister".  I actually still have that shirt, I can't bear to part with it.

Also this week I had my doctor's appointment to make sure you are growing right.  Remember when I said I hope I can gain back some weight?  Well, at the doctor's appointment the Dr. told me that I was down 8 pounds from the last time I was in.  I told the Dr. that it was hard to eat because everything made me feel sick but I was taking my prenatal vitamins so she was happy about that.  The best part of that appointment was Daddy got to hear your very strong heartbeat for the first time, 160bpm.  Now, an old wives tales tell us this means you are a girl.  We won't know for sure for about 10 more days, but from the moment I found out we were expecting you I thought you were a girl.  Most people around me are guessing that also and a few people are guessing you are a boy.

Yesterday I went and spent the day with Jacob and Eli.  Mommy has known them both for their whole lives, well Jacob his whole life minus 6 weeks.  You'll get to meet and know them.  They are both really excited to meet you.  Jacob says that if there are two babies in my stomach that he wants one for his mom.  I told him I don't think there's two and even if there is, I couldn't give them one but they could love on and spoil as much as they wanted.

week 17.2
Anyways, its time for me to go.  Daddy and I are supposed to be at NayNay and TiTi's soon to go to dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory to celebrate Ryan's birthday.  But before I go, here is one last picture. (see photo hog again!)  And please excuse his potty that you can see.  Daddy didn't get close enough this time.

Love you tons!
