Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hooray for Holywood!

Photo Credit Josh Miller
So our service project for this year is called 'Change 4


We are raising money locally and also globaly. The grades are in a a race to see who is able to raise the most money. Yesterday the 6th graders won by $2.23, today the 5th graders won by a whopping $60! The kids have raised tons of money. I dont remember the exact total, and I am sure that Josh will remember and tell me in a comment.
This is me with Josh and Gretching hanging out during crafts.
Craziest thing about today is definitly the earthquake when we were at games. I dont think the kids playing the game felt it, but those of us standing around watching them sure did.
More pictures and stories tomorrow!

Monday, July 28, 2008

December 10, 2007 Update

So not on this blog, but on my myspace I wrote a blog on December 10.

In that blog I wrote that I was giving up on someone.

Not a friend, but the idea that a relationship would come from that friendship. Call me crazy, but I tend to fall for my friends because getting to know them and all the little details about them, there is just something about it.

I thought that since it has been a little over seven months I should update the world wide web on the condition of my heart. My cousin hoped that it would get better soon. I'm not exactly sure what better is, but I am pretty sure that I am getting there.

My heart still skips a beat sometimes when I see them. But I am getting better at saying hi and letting it just be that. I can't allow my heart to go back to its old feelings. I have worked so hard to get to where I am today. Although I must say this person being rude for a bit helped in that area. Lately though this person coming back around to their old self, which makes me happy but also scared at the same time.

I'm scared for my feelings to return again. And to yet again make me feel like I am not worth their time unless its on their schedule, or they have nothing else to do.

The Back-Up Plan.

That is what I always seem to be to guys.

This evening has just been emotional period. I have spent a good deal of it crying trying to figure out what exactly it is that guys dont like about me. I love me, and I know that God loves me. I know that, that alone should be good enough, but I think we can all agree that we dont always feel that way.

Thank goodness this week is Summer Spectacular.

I love it so much, and it makes me feel like I am worth it. That I am doing what I was made to do. That God can shine through and use me this week in ways that He cant in other weeks.

It will keep my mind away from the thoughts of not being good enough.

Super Letter Game

That is all.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

8.75 hours

Until the start of Summer Spectacular.
I can't believe that it's already here again.

Today was so productive.

I met up with Amy, Ange, Katie, Gretchin, Gerrie, and her two nieces to set up the tent for tomorrow.

Got to get in a little laugh at Pastor Steve as he got Go-Gourt all over himself.

I came home and made a hat and other things for the week.

After all of that I went to Wal*Mart with my mom to get some hair ties and clips.

When I got home I braided my hair in about 30-40 braids.

My hair should look SPECTACULAR (haha) tomorrow.

That pun was SO intended.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Facebook Friend Updates

So I just went to my facebook and changed my status. And when it updated I laughed because three of the four recent updates on there all had to do with counting down hours until Summer Spectacular.
Yes we are all crazy.
Yes we are all awesome.
Yes the event is as great as it seems.

This week is going to be so amazing. Personally I am excited to see everything that will happen. Having a new children's pastor is always exciting and Steve Adams is such an amazing man of God and we are all so blessed to have him as out pastor.

I cant wait to see the lives that will be changed over the course of this next week.

I feel like a kid at Christmas.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Thanks Officer

So last night I went to starbucks with the amazing Carrie.
We got there and I was yrinh to decide what to get. Now since I am so short I had to stand near the spot they give you the drinks. Now they called a venti carmel maciato (sp?). Then Mr. Police man told the barista that he had ordered a iced drink of the same name not a hot one. The barista asked the officer if he would like the hot one as well, Mr. Police man declined his offer.
So what does that have to do with me and this blog? Two words,
That was so awesome. I took a picture to document this awesomeness.

Watch This!

As most of you who read this know me, my favorite movie of all time is what?
If you said The Wizard of Oz you are correct.
If you didnt, then you dont know me that well.
Anyways, normally I am against anyone singing the classic Judy Garland song. There is just something about that song. I dont ever try to sing it in public. If I do it's in the privacy of my own room.
But there is a 6 year old that has changed my mind. Watch this video of her and I dare you to tell me she sucks.

Little Connie is now 7 years old. She didnt win the contest, but she did make it to the finals.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


So you have heard about how twins have the same wavelengths. Like one can feel pain when the other is hurt and stuff like that. Well, I seriously believe that I have a twin.

We were born 2 1/2 years apart.
In different states.
By diferent mothers.

I say this only because we are always thinking the same thing. Very often in our IM conversations we say the same thing at the same time, OR one of us says something that the other is typing. Tonight was a great example of just that. Not once but twice this happened. What makes it better was that it was within about a 5 minutes.

See for yourself.

"Me" (7:51:48 PM): you know whats good
"Jennifer Melham" (7:51:58 PM): what?
"Me" (7:52:16 PM): cinnimon pancakes
"Me" (7:52:23 PM): i just made some
"Jennifer Melham" (7:52:56 PM): OMG that sounds so freaking good
"Jennifer Melham" (7:53:02 PM): I have no pancake mix
"Jennifer Melham" (7:53:04 PM): no fair =/
dznexprincss (7:53:06 PM): they were super good
"Jennifer Melham" (7:53:10 PM): Shush!!
"Jennifer Melham" (7:53:14 PM): hehe
"Me" (7:53:14 PM): carrie suggested pancakes
"Me" (7:53:17 PM): and they sounded good
"Me" (7:53:28 PM): and i saw the cinnimon in the cabinet and was all
"Me" (7:53:31 PM): i should add this
"Jennifer Melham" (7:54:03 PM): hehe
"Jennifer Melham" (7:54:10 PM): I was actually thinking that same thing not long ago
"Jennifer Melham" (7:54:15 PM): but I had no pancake mix
dznexprincss (7:54:22 PM): you should get some
"Jennifer Melham" (7:54:23 PM): I have a whole thing of syrup though... so I should get some
"Jennifer Melham" (7:54:25 PM): lol
"Me" (7:54:27 PM): haha
"Me" (7:54:28 PM): see
"Me" (7:54:39 PM): were we twins seperated at birth?
"Me" (7:54:43 PM): because we do that a lot
"Jennifer Melham" (7:55:01 PM): You are kinda a short twin
"Jennifer Melham" (7:55:03 PM): lol
"Jennifer Melham" (7:55:06 PM): Just kidding
"Me" (7:55:15 PM): hey
"Me" (7:55:22 PM): havent you seen Twins
"Jennifer Melham" (7:55:24 PM): I guess if Arnie and
"Jennifer Melham" (7:55:25 PM): OMG
"Me" (7:55:28 PM): arnold is way tall
"Me" (7:55:35 PM): and danny divito is short
"Jennifer Melham" (7:55:42 PM): I was JSUT gonna say... I guess if Arnie and Danny Devito could be twins so can we
"Jennifer Melham" (7:55:44 PM): LOL
"Me" (7:55:53 PM): lol
"Me" (7:55:55 PM): SEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee
"Jennifer Melham" (7:56:12 PM): lol
"Me" (7:56:22 PM): this is soooo going in my blog

So true to my word that part of the conversation went in my blog.

What do you guys think?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Legally Binding

Dear Mr. Miller,
I noticed that you added a number to my list of fun things for next week. I am sad to tell you that I am NOT looking forward to it. I am still looking into that contract with my name and yours to make sure this does not happen.

Happy to Stay Dry,

I hope that you are feeling better. Hopefully you didnt lose any of your smarts getting your Wisdom Teeth pulled.

Monday, July 21, 2008

In Exactly One Week

I will have finished my first day of...

I am so excited!

Let me make a list for the things I am excited for.

1. Kids learning about Jesus
2. Super cool kids/Amazing leaders!
3. Growing myself as a leader.
4. Brandon Munchow
5. The Cool Kids Club
6. Sparkly hats!
7. Stylish shades.
8. Taking too many pictures.
9. Laughing until it hurts.
10. Making memories.

Again, this year is going to ROCK!

Friday, July 18, 2008

It makes me sad...

I have spent a lot of my time off just readin up on other religions that way I can understand what they believe. I am not looking to convert, so please dont get any ideas.

I got really sad when I watched a YouTube video of this man who is a very strong Diest.

He calls every religion out there a cult.

From what I read Diests believe in a supreme God, but this God does not have anything to do with the human race at all. The people of this faith dont believe in miracles or prophecy.

I have also been reading up on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. More commonly known to people as Mormons. I made a post (which you can read here) a while back when I first started reading about it. I think that the reason I have become so interested is that my writing teacher was Mormon, and everyday that there were Mormons in teh Village at Saddleback I would get stopped by them. I dont know, perhaps I have that 'look' of a person that they can talk to. Anyways, I mainly was reading up because if I was stopped by them I would want to understand where they are coming from and be able to defend my faith and ask them questions about their own.

While doing my searching I came across this very long video that talks about the scrolls that Joseph Smith said he translated into the Book of Abraham which can be found in the Pearl Of Great Price. This book generally comes at the end of their doctrine. The ones that come before it are The Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants. I am going on a tangent, but anyways. If you have the time I HIGHLY recomend watching the video. It also goes into the story of plural marriage and who really suggested it. And it also talks about the death of Joseph Smith. Most people of the LDS faith will say that Mr. Smith died a martyr.

Here is a link to the video that I am talking about. Its about an hour long, so make sure you have the time to really watch it.

In closing all I have to say is this.

If when I die I am right then I get to spend eternity with God and be in His presence. No more pain, sorrow, tears, or even death. But if I die and I come to find out that I was wrong, then I just become a part of the earth, and my life just ends.

Which is better?

Having faith in SOMETHING, or faith in nothing at all.

Yet another group of people to feel sorry for. Those who will never put their faith in anything.

What happens to them if I am right.

And lets face it, I have the faith to say that I am right.

And So...

I decided on Mervyn's.

Went to the orentation today.

I start soon.

And props to them, they understood my situation with SS and with Hawaii.

Sad thing is, no camp for me this year.

Let's all take a moment of slience for this sad news.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

2xs the Offers

So today was an amazing day.
It started with helping out in the offices with Amy and Gretchin. The real highlight was listening to Phil call this costume place. Cassandra's Coffins and Costumes. Phil and Gretchin show me a video of the owner on the internet, and she is a strange old lady. Lets just leave it at that because it is the most polite thing to say.

After I was done there I ran over to Bathgate to get Samantha before going to my interview at WeeCan preschool in Capo Beach.

The interview went really well. The owners and the other lady who was sitting in on the interview seemed excited that I was applying. They were affirming, saying that I had a lot to offer. All the things you want to hear at the end of an interview. They also asked if I was actively seeking employment, and I didnt lie I told them I was but I was waiting to hear back from the places that I had. They thanked me for comming in and said that they would call me by Monday with their final decision.

As I am walking out to my car I see that I had a missed call. So I dialed the voicemail and guess what...

It was the Mervyn's calling me back.

I went in on Monday for a first-group type interview. The AMO there said that she would be calling everyone within the week that they were looking to hire. the voice mail from her said that, 'we are looking to hire you, and there is an orientation tomorrow at 5:30 if you can make it'.


At the start of this week I had nothing. Now here it is at the end of the week and I have not one but TWO offers.

Now comes the hard part. Or maybe it isnt so hard.

I need to pick one.

So in Rory fashion, I made a pro-con list in my head. And I will write them for your enjoyment.

WeeCan Pros
*I already know that I can do what the job requires.
*The pay will be nice.
*The staff is small and family like.
*The owners are super nice and easy to talk to.

WeeCan Cons
*It's a little farther that I would like. So the gas to get there would be high.
*It's another Child Care job.
*Going to school could be a problem.
*Benefits could be an issue.

Mervyn's Pros
*It's SUPER close to home, so I could walk, saving money on gas.
*I will gain new expierence for my resume.
*School is more of a possibility.
*I would get discounts there.
*Benefits are a possibility.

Mervyn's Cons
*Not a lot of hours.
*My hours could vary from week to week. (I have always had a mon-fri job)
*The pay would be lower

Now the way that I see it, money wise it would be a wash. The extra money that I would make at WeeCan would cover the gas that I would otherwise be saving by walking to work.

I am leaning more towards Mervyn's though.

But again, I am so confused.

Any advice?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

If, if is good.

I love Carrie and our randomness.
Last night we:
Ate Del Taco
Watched The Holiday
Horray to us for our awesome randomness.

And I should also add that while watching Hercules we often quoted the movie and sang all the songs.

Hotter than Hades

I went up to Church today to do a walk through of SS (Summer Spectacular).
Amy wore a huge hat, it was awesome.
I am so excited for SS, this year is going to be interesting.
Hanging out with the 'cool kids' is going to be fun and an expierence.
I am so used to being with 4th Grade that being with them will be super fun.

And there is a meaning behind my blog title. One person for sure will know what it means, and one other person might read it and think they do.

Ok that is all.

I am going to try and cool down.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Random Fact

I love to watch movies and read the IMDB information about it at the same time.
I am currently watching Bring it On and there are some really funny errors.

100,000 Words

If a picture is worth a 1,000 words, I took 100 pictures last night. That equala 100,000 words.

There were way too many pictures to upload so I picked a little over half of my favorites. Since I didnt want to make this a really long post I am giving you a link to my facebook so you can view them.


I cried tons, so much so that I think my eyes started to go dry.
I also laughed a lot.
So many memories created last night, and old memories shared.
Music became my reguge last night.
I will miss them tons.
But I love them more.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Goodbyes Are Never Easy

Time will ease your pain
Life's about changing, nothing ever stays the same

And she said, How can I help you to say goodbye?
It's OK to hurt, and it's OK to cry
Come, let me hold you and I will try
How can I help you to say goodbye?

Nathan, Kelly, Judah, and Eliran,
May this new adventure God is sending on you be filled with joy. Life will certianly not be the same out here. A piece of my heart will now be in Mississippi. I am so thankful for the 23 years filled with percious memories that will never fade.

Know that I will miss you tons but that I love you more than I could ever miss you.

Have a safe drive.

See you on Skype!


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This Is Where I Was Born

Here is a picture of the hopsital that I was born at.

It's in gorgeous Hawaii.

Oh Oahu.

In Honolulu.

Kaitlyn took it for me.

Its mine!

I am so excited to listen to it! The best part is its labled for 11.99 and when I went to pay for it it rang up 9.99!
I'm a dork too, I walked out of Target just now with a huge smile and a desire to blog.

Monday, July 7, 2008

6 Degrees of Seperation

I totaly believe this.
Unless it has to do with people at Saddleback Church, then its more like 4.

The world got way smaller for me this week. Someone that I have know for about eleven or twelve years sent me a friend request on myspace. While that isnt too unusual, she found me through another girl that I have known for about the same amount of time.

I didnt even know the knew eachother.

Ah the memories and stories that can be shared.

My favorite would be when this one girl's dad fell into the lake in RSM during a Welcome Home party.

My favorite with the other girl would be summer camps.

I think that I should try and see both of them at the same time.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

You Know You're a Redneck If...

Instead of calling a locksmith to open the tunnel of your truck to get the keys out that you locked in there, you break it off with a hammer and screwdriver.

And then you tie it down with a bungee cord.

Ya, that is a true story.
Yet another adventure during this amazing vacation.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fourth Of July Family Fun

The Fourth of July was amazing. Full of sand, tears, and memories. This is me and some of my favorite ladies ever!

And here is my favorite picture of the day, Uncle Shawn with his lil Judah.

I Love Relient K

Probably more than I should love a band. But honestly I dont really care. A lot of their songs can apply to ANY situation of a person's life. There are a few songs that dont count and are just nonsense. My favorite example of this would be 'Crayons Can Melt On Us For All We Care', it takes longer to say it than it does to sing the actual song. if you dont believe me, look it up on iTunes and you can listen to the whole thing in the preview. Anyways.
Austin says, they are one of the few bands left that can actually write. And I couldnt agree more. And what is even better they have 'sold out'.
Anyways, I set my iTunes to just play their songs.
One song came on and I said to myself, 'I WANT THAT!'
The song is called 'My Girl's Ex-Boyfriend'
Read the lyrics and you will understand.

When he was seeing her
You could see he had his doubts
And now he's missing her
Because he knows he's missing out
Now it's haunting him
The memories like a ghost
He's so terrified
Cause no one else even comes close

He's a guy that you should feel sorry for
He had the world but he thought that he wanted more
I owe it all to the mistake that he made back then
I owe it all to my girl's ex-boyfriend

So then, along comes me,
This undeserving mess (undeserving mess)
Who would believe my life
Would be so blessed (life would be so blessed)
Two years ago
He left all that debris (left all that debris)
Who would of known
It would be everything I need

He's a guy that you should feel sorry for
He had the world but he thought that he wanted more
I owe it all to the mistake that he made back then
I owe it all to my girl's ex-boyfriend

If it wasn't for him
I would still be searching
If it wasn't for him
I wouldn't know my best friend
If it wasn't for him
He would be able to see
If it wasn't for him
He would be as happy as me

She and I settled down you can bet
That he is going to have to settle for less
He's someone that I would hate to be
I got the girl and he's left with just the memory.

He's a guy that you should feel sorry for
He had the world but he thought that he wanted more
I owe it all to the mistake that he made back then
I owe it all to my girl's ex-boyfriend

If it wasn't for him
I would still be searching
If it wasn't for him
I wouldn't know my best friend
If it wasn't for him
He would be able to see
If it wasn't for him
He would be as happy as me

Honestly ladies who doesnt want that?
I know that I do.

And I love them becuase they inspired my blog title.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Adventures in Vacationing

So, its been a pretty eventful vacation so far. Full of mishaps that are making some pretty steller memories. Like this to start.

That is my very comfy swimsuit conver-up. All those yellow circles show where the HOLES were made by the dryer. And that is just the front, there are more holes on the back. Apparently there were two loose plastic things that hold the lint dryer together that made that happen.

Anyways this is what they did for us...

Take out the broken one.

And then...

They got us a brand new one.

I'm still waiting to see if I get reinburst for my dress.

More to come later.