Sunday, January 1, 2012


Ok, it's time for the cliched New Years post.
Your know the one, about how I tell you my life is so different than it was a year ago, how much I have changed and grown.

But this time, IT'S TRUE!

I still can't believe the blessings that 2011 had for myself and David. It all started one fateful evening in March. St. Patrick's Day to be exact. For a week or two before this I had been feeling sick but I chalked it up to PMS and what I was eating. Never in my mind did I think I could be pregnant. (we werent even trying and the timing in my mind wasnt right.) So I took a test that night to prove some people wrong. Guess who was the wrong one? Not me. When I told David that I had taken a test and it came back positive he was, well let's just say scared. I remember everything about that night. What I was wearing, where I took the test, how fast it came back positive, the disbelief that I felt, the need to get to urgent care and hear from the doctor that I really was pregnant buying prenatals, shaking the bag over the phone to my friend. EVERYTHING.

The pregnancy for the most part was easy, it wasn't until the delivery that we had any complications.

I can't believe that I have been a wife for over a year now either. God has definitely used marriage to teach me more about patience than I ever thought he could. I love my husband and we have our disagreements like everyone else does, but now I can't leave and go to my own house to cool off. It's his house too so we have to work it out and communicate more than we did when we each had our own space. And being pregnant that first year, talk about coach course in patience and communication.

Being a mom has taught me that my capacity to love is far greater than I ever thought it cold or would be. I always knew that I would die for my child's but no one ever really knows what that love feels like until they have a child of their own.

I hope that as 2012 goes on that I will continue to learn about patience and love. How to be a great wife and mother.

I'm looking forward to so much this year. My lil D will have so many firsts and expierenceing them will be nothing short of amazing I just know it.

1 comment:

Shelle Wahl said...

I love this post! And I love that I was able to play a part (albeit a small part) of the day you found out about little D! Miss you guys a ton. Let's plan to get together once you get things back into routine. :)